
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Wednesday's Read

Thats right folks, it's the third installment of Wednesday's Read. I almost didn't want to post this because it replaces the last post about my insanely adorable new baby nephew Kaden. You must scroll down and check him out!
Okay on the the book...
This weeks read is in honor of a certain movie hitting theaters this friday. It's called twilight, have you heard of it? But no, the book this week is NOT twilight.  The book this week is The Host, which is also by the author of Twilight, Stephenie Meyer.  I recommend this book because I have heard from some people that they stopped reading it because they could not get into it, or it sounded too sci fi or so on.  I will admit that it took me a couple tries to start this book and really get hooked, but let me tell you, I really got hooked.  The beginning was a little sci fi and it took me a few chapters to catch on and get into it but once I did, I finished it in one sitting.  I really enjoyed this book and I honestly liked it more then the last three books from the twilight series (gasp)! I think I liked it more because the characters are adults and I liked the more mature emotions and reactions and such. So check out The Host, by Stephenie Meyer for an intense, interesting, romantic, and suspenseful read.

Alright alright.... I guess I can throw in my opinion of Twilight too, only because I am excited to see the movie with the gang on Friday.
Twilight- absolutely loved it! Read it in a day and went out and bought the 2nd and 3rd book the next morning.
New Moon- I really liked New Moon, but I did think it was a little over dramatic.
Eclipse- Liked it, but it started getting a little out there, but I still liked it and was WAY excited for the 4th book.
Breaking Dawn- Hmmm. Loved a few parts, Liked a lot of it, Hated some of it.  I got done reading it and wasn't quite sure what I thought. 
All in all I think it is a great series and I was happy with how it ended.  But does everyone really think Edward is the perfect guy? If he was my boyfriend I might think he was a little controlling, not to mention creepy for sitting in my room and watching me sleep.  Just a thought.

***Blog Update****
I had some comments left (mom) of people saying that I should never EVER talk smack about their perfect guy Edward.  And let me just say this. I loved Twilight and Edward took my breath away as much as the next gal, but when it comes down to the reality of it (and he is NOT real, lets keep that in mind people) my perfect man does not sit and watch me sleep every night, once in a while would be kinda sweet, but every thanks. My perfect guy doesn't listen to my conversations with others and doesn't have his sister track my every move. My perfect man doesn't lurk in the shadows or follow me when I go out or ban me from having certain friends. And most of all, my perfect man doesn't want to kill me every time we kiss. So sorry Edward, you are not the guy for me. His name is Justin and he is hot (literally, he is warm blooded and has a pulse)!
On a lighter note, I really do LOVE twilight and I really do think that Edward is beyond romantic.  Have any of you read the portion of"Midnight Sun" that is on Stephenie Meyers website? It is SO amazing and I liked it just as much as twilight. Edward's character really is amazing and dreamy. I just have to mix things up a little bit by not admitting that he is 100% perfect. 98% maybe, but definitely not 100.

p.s. I can't believe more people commented about Edward then about my new nephew in the post below. He is the perfect man! Kaden I am sorry that I posted about Edward Cullen and stole your thunder. I love you and you are way cuter then any vampire boy will ever be!


Atkinsons said...

The Host is a great book! I really liked it...but it was hard for me to picture the main girl (I forgot her name, I read it a while ago) as someone other than Bella from Twilight. Still a very good read though!

Jane said...

Never, never, never say anything against Edward! Bella does not deserve him! And Jacob, don't get me started...if he had any decency at all he would just leave and never come back! That said, I am looking forward to reading The Host.

Julie H. said...

I so agree with you about The Host. It's worth reading!

Anonymous said...

LOVED "The Host"! Great pick! I love the Twilight series too. I actually especially loved the last book. I don't think Edward's controlling, just worried about Bella. He's from the 1800's, and still a true gentleman! I think he's amazing!

Jessica A said...
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Jessica A said...

Okay people I am not saying that I totally do not love Edward, I do. But I still think that he is a little controlling. Example- having his family constantly spying on her, freaking out when she wants to hang out with her friends to the point of telling her she can't. Stuff like that. But he is still incredible and makes my heart race. Now that thats settled I agree with you mom on the Jacob thing. I didn't especially love him in the last book.
But here is an idea for another GREAT read! Stephenie meyer posted on her website a huge part of Midnight Sun, the twilight book from Edwards perspective and it is AMAZING. I almost liked it more then Twilight. Check that out!

Jewls said...

Oh Jess I love you!! I must say, I was cheering for Jacob after I got halfway through the last book. And...don't get me started about how ridiculous and anti-climatic Breaking Dawn was! That book was the letdown of the century!! Anyway, I love your Wednesday gives my ideas of what to read next :)

Brittany said...

Haha amen to that post. Well, the one about Edward. I haven't read The Host yet, but since I loved The Hunger Games, I will definitely try this one. Edward is AMAZING!! but I totally agree with you. He is too controlling, and he tries too hard to be perfect. Oh my gosh, I am discussing a fictional character and my feelings about him. Wow, now there is definitely something wrong with me. Well, even though I agree with you, I still love Edward! And I loved Midnight Sun soooo much! I really wish that someone hadn't put it on the internet. Maybe she would still be writing it. Sigh.....I love it just as much as Twilight, you really get to know Edward. Oh no, back to the fictional character thing. I better go before I start quoting the book, and telling what I like and dislike about each character.

Alanya/Ally said...

Hey Jess! Long, long, long time no talk/see! It was good to check out your blog and see what you're up to. I hope I can add you to my friend bloggers... check my blog out if you want.

Heather Magnusson said...

I LOVED the Host! That would also make a great movie!!