Well hello blog world. It has been far too long since I have updated this here blog, and for that I am sorry. I have not even blogged about Thanksgiving, Christmas, or anything after that. I want to catch up, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing so, so I think I might try this in one post.
Here goes...
My parents came out for Thanksgiving. We looked at sculpture gardens, went to the Mall of America, had a huge homemade dinner made from scratch by my mother and I, ate juicy lucy's at Matt's Bar, went to the Spaghetti Factory, saw the Holidazzle parade, and braved Black Friday. Their stay was too short but we loved seeing them and taking them around our city.
In early December we got free tickets to a Jazz game, had great seats (we may or may not have snuck down low) and visited our friends who had a suite. Jazz lost but it was a nice night out.
Then it was finishing work and finals and then taking off for Christmas. We spent two weeks in Utah with Justin's family this year. We had a lot of fun, played lots of cards, ate lots of food, went to lots of family parties, and watched lots of movies. It was great to have the whole family together. We got so spoiled from both of our families this year (not that I am complaining). It was great to be back in Logan. It is just so familiar and we have a lot of memories there, not to mention some of my favorite places to eat ever! We also drove to Salt Lake one day and spent some time with Jordan, Aubrey, and Kaden. It was really good to see them and of course that kid melts my heart!

Oh and did I mention that our memory card completely crashed the day after Christmas and we lost all of our pictures? I was a little traumatized over losing 1,000 plus pictures, but life moves on. Here is my cute nephew though (taken after a new memory card was given to us at Best Buy, after learning that there was nothing they could do to save our old one)
This kid loves to Skype. He is fascinated by it and gets the biggest grins talking to Grandma and Grandpa and Molly dog.
And of course I made Justin take our "show us what you got for Christmas" picture that both of our moms made us take every year (minus a few things that we forgot to put in the pictures)
Upon arriving home after Christmas we made it our goal to get through all 5 season of LOST before the new season began and we did it. We almost watched it every night after work and school. This was my view every night for approximately 2 months.
One of my Christmas presents from Justin were tickets to see the Titanic exhibit that was here at the Minneapolis Science Museum. I was so excited and it was so fun to have something to look forward to after Christmas was over. The exhibit was awesome, I have always been fascinated by the history of the Titanic.
Learning about Science/Dance party.
Our favorite part of the day may have been when we found plush dolls that represented diseases. Here is Justin giving loves to the "Herpes" doll. I don't remember what mine was.
We have also been having fun playing around with the pasta maker Justin got me for Christmas (and it was almost confiscated at the airport because apparently it looked like some kind of weapon on the x-ray). I LOVE fresh pasta and turns out it is pretty easy to make (with a kitchen aid that is).
Our state of the art drying rack
Top it off with homemade Alfredo sauce. SO GOOD!
Oh and just so you know, I have one of those awesome husbands who gets me beautiful Spring flowers in the middle of January, just so he can brighten my day. Ya, I love him a lot.
Wow, that was a lot of picture uploading. So there you have it, the highlights of our life up to January. I think I will start February in a few days, I am a little burnt out from this humongous post.